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  • Writer's pictureKathy Troxler

Challenge Accepted

The AHA National Championship show this year was host to the first ever AWWA Ranch Challenge. For those that might not be familiar with that acronym, it stands for Arabian Working Western Alliance, a group that promotes and develops programs for the Arabian and Half-Arabian Working Western horse.

While I couldn't be there to watch in person, thanks to the excellent live feed from Richfield Video Production I was able to tune in to any arena I wanted from the comfort of couch.

Fortunately, I happened to click on the link for the Arabian Ranch Challenge on Friday evening and I was glad I did because I watched a great class and what became one of my favorite "go's" of the show.

Competing against some very seasoned horses, Edyta P was the youngest entry. This four-year-old is owned by Corky and Bill Fairchild and trained and ridden by Jesse Chase. Even at 4, Edyta is no stranger to the show pen, having competed in 2022 and come away with 2 Reserve National titles in Junior Horse Reining. This year Edyta earned the top awards in that division in addition to several others including a Top Ten in Ranch Ranch Rail AATR 55 & Over with Corky!

While I've shared the link to the entire class (which I purchased from Richfield Video) in my Facebook post today, below is the same class from a different perspective and with priceless audio...with Corky and Bill Fairchild's reactions as they watch their trainer (Jesse Chase) and Edyta negotiate the inaugural AWWA Ranch Challenge.


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